Presidents Lunch
Thank you to all those involved in making Pearl's President's Lunch such an enjoyable day. Well done to Bob Sharp and Keith Wooderson who...
Summer is well and truly here. This week is going to be exceptionally hot. Our advice would be avoid playing during the day if possible,...
Summer is here (at last)
There are a couple of events coming up that you may wish to be involved in. 4th August - Ladies Day Bowls game with Salad Lunch - 6th...
Summers coming
Hi All As the days start to grow longer and we start heading towards the warmer weather, there are a few things coming up that we need to...
Message from Short Mat Manager
Hi All Just a couple of things to mention, firstly a gentle reminder to those who have entered the singles competition that the first...
A reminder to all that our AGM will take place on Saturday 27th November at 2pm in the Club House, we hope to see as many of you there as...
Coronavirus Update
Hello Everyone It has been some while since we had any kind of update on our Website Hopefully you have all been keeping as well and safe...
Bowling Update
We are planning to re-open the club for outdoor bowling roll-ups only on 2nd June. The risk assessment has been done and the rules for...
Coronavirus Update
Dear Friends As you will hear daily on the news, the coronavirus situation is constantly changing. We do not know at this stage when the...
Dear Friends As you will daily hear on the media, there is a substantial risk of the coronavirus spreading through our country. At our...