External Leagues
All the external League fixtures are now on the website, under the relevant tabs.
Race Night
Thank you all who came and supported our Race Night, it was a great success. Many thanks to Darren and Chris from Southend 1312 Air...

Well Done
One of our fours teams that went on the Bowls holiday to Bembridge on the Isle of Wight reach the Final where they came a close second,...
Race Night
The club is holding a Charity Race Night on Sat 22nd February. Details are on the Social Tab, please come along and give your support.
Happy New Year to you all. You should all have your renewal forms now, please complete them and return them to Marilyn a soon as you can,...
Reminder that it is our AGM on Saturday 23rd November at 2pm in the Club House, please try to attend.
Presentation Lunch
Congratulations to all those who collected Trophy's at our Presentation Lunch on Sunday. All the winners have been entered onto our...
Hadleigh Bowls Club Dress Code
Below is our Dress Code for outdoor matches, please make sure you adhere to this when on the green Hadleigh Bowls Club Outdoor dress code...
Club Finals
Well done to all the winners and runners ups from Finals days, Photos of all the winners are on the gallery page. Thank you to all those...
Finals Week
This week is our finals week for the club's competitions. These will be held on Thursday 5th and Saturday 7th September, both days...