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Message from Short Mat Manager

Hi All

Just a couple of things to mention, firstly a gentle reminder to those who have entered the singles competition that the first round is to be completed by 31st December. It is the responsibility of the person above the two players to organise the match.

Secondly the Ladies v Gents has been over subscribed so to accommodate as many as possible Liz Gaitens (who is helping with the organising and running) & l have decided to run 3 sessions. We will start at 10.00 and each match will run for 1hr 15 mins concurrently finishing around 13.45 give or take a few minutes for change over. Tea and coffee will be available after the first session with a small running buffet. We would have liked to have put all 3 mats down but this is no possible under the current circumstances.

Merry Christmas Glenn


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