Messages from our Secretary
This week I shall be posting up the sign-up sheets for Gala Day - Sunday 10th September. We will also need lots of help on Saturday 9th to set up so please make sure both those dates are in your diaries.
Please see where help is needed on 10th and sign up. As always we will need lots of helpers to man the various games on the green, plus refreshment people and BBQ, cake makers (lots please on the day or the day before), tombola donations, raffle donations. We have several side shows too which will need people to run them. Have a look at the lists and see where you can help. Many thanks.
Also this week I shall be posting up the nominations sheets for our 2023/24 officers to serve on the management committee - to be agreed at our AGM on Saturday 25th November.
My thanks to our Captains and Vice-Captains who are working so hard to give us such a successful and enjoyable 2023 programme of matches and events.
Belated congratulations to Sheelagh Mayhead and Val Hughes for being runners-up in the Ladies' County Pairs match.